Mexico-Querétaro train and extension of the Suburban, among the projects with the most private investment in 2021 – Alex Lyon Mexico

Mexico-Querétaro train and extension of the Suburban, among the projects with the most private investment in 2021

Both works are among the 39 projects that will receive almost 300 thousand million pesos of private investment to reactivate after the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Among the works that will receive a greater private investment in 2021 are those promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, as the construction of the Mexico Querétaro Train and the expansion of the Suburban Train to the Felipe Angeles International Airport.

Both works are part of the 39 projects that will receive a total of 297 one thousand 344 million pesos of private investment in order to reactivate the economy after the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The list, posted this morning, shows that the projects promoted by the federal government, through agencies such as the Ministry of Communications and Transportation and Pemex, they will be the most benefited.

Of the 39 Projects, the one that will receive the largest investment is the installation of a coker at the Tula Refinery, Hidalgo, with a total of 54 one thousand 705 millions of pesos.

The Mexico-Querétaro high-speed train was one of the unfinished projects of the previous government.

In 2014 the plan was underway and its construction would be paid for by the Federation. Nevertheless, in january 2015, the then Secretary of the Treasury, Luis Videgaray, announced its cancellation on the grounds that they sought to reduce the impact that public finances would have, before the negative international scenario.

Now, its construction is promoted by the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. In August, The president spoke a little about this work and announced that it would be a modern option for passenger transport.


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