Enlist 24 large real estate and construction projects in CDMX – Alex Lyon Mexico

Enlist 24 large real estate and construction projects in CDMX

The real estate sector in CDMX recognized the opening of the Head of Government to encourage joint work between the government and the private initiative to make the economic reactivation of the city more efficient and generate the necessary conditions that give confidence, certainty and security for investors.

Téllez Kuenzler stressed that during the last three weeks he has worked with the secretary of Seduvi, Carlos Ulloa, and the Secretary of Finance and Administration, Luz Elena González, to put in March 24 strategic projects in the city, ranging from hospitals, schools, mixed uses housing, commercial and office.

During the presentation of the Mexico City Economic Reactivation Plan led by the Head of Government Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo and the President of the Association of Real Estate Developers (NAME), Enrique Tellez Kuenzler, it was agreed that measures to boost the sector, are essential for economic reactivation.


Historic investment

For his part, The Head of Government expressed that accelerating the construction sector does not have to be synonymous with problems if it is done in consensus with the citizens and without corruption.

He added that there is a consultation process for the Territorial Ordinance Program, which was extended until October of next year, so that between all "Let's design the city we want: a city thrives with fewer inequalities and with higher growth ".

Some days ago, in an interview with Real Estate Market, Tellez highlighted: “We estimate that in the next three years we will invest 19,000 millions of dollars. From them, 52%, that is to say, near 9,800 are in the investment process, and other 48% are in the license management process, project design, prospect evaluation, what it would represent near 8,900 a 9,100 billion dollars nationwide. Only the CDMX represents 60% of this investment”.

During the announcement it was reported that facilities are also contemplated to start - immediately - real estate works in the perimeter of Tacubaya, through the System of Action by Cooperation (SAC); the start of works and activities for housing construction, hospitals and schools and administrative facilities for real estate projects in primary roads of the CDMX, that have transportation infrastructure and main water network.

The Ministry of Finance announced that they are working on a clear regulation of the Single Window and the urban-environmental impact assessment procedure to make them more agile, through an online platform that submits, automatically, requests to all agencies involved –SACMEX, Civil protection, mayors, among others-.


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