📰The US infrastructure plan could ’push’ to the Mexican economy. – Alex Lyon Mexico

📰The US infrastructure plan could ’push’ to the Mexican economy.

I will reverse 1.2 trillions of dollars in various infrastructure projects.


The United States Senate approved an infrastructure plan on Tuesday that will have a positive impact on the Mexican economy, according to analysts.

The plan of 1.2 billions of dollars (equivalent to the Gross Domestic Product of Mexico) will allocate 550 billion in new federal spending, which will be distributed over the next five years. The rest of the money comes from funds that would normally be consigned annually.

the president of US, Joe Biden, stated that most of the benefits will go to working families.

¿EU al ‘rescate’ de México? Así ganaría el país con el plan Biden
These are the sectors that will benefit:

Mexican exports

These could be doubled if the current administration seizes the opportunities that the US plan will give it., according to Ernesto O'Farril, President of Grupo Bursamétrica.

Automotive section

The benefits on the Mexican economy in the automotive and electronic field will become more evident in the medium term, according to Joel Virgen, director de análisis de Out of the Box Economics.

Construction sector

The plan could also benefit Mexican companies that operate as suppliers for US construction.. Also to those that are part of the productive chains, indicated Amin Vera, director of economic analysis at BW Capital.

Industrial activity

This sector would benefit the most, according to Alain Jaimes, Signum Research economic analyst.

Investment and employment

US infrastructure plan will boost investment and jobs, since the 80 percent of connectivity systems, electronic, plastics, that require for the different projects considered, They will be of Mexican manufacture, according to Manuel Hernández González, President of the National Council of the Maquiladora and Export Manufacturing Industry (index).

Fountain: The financial

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