📰Industrial activity advances driven by the dynamism of construction: INEGI – Alex Lyon Mexico

📰Industrial activity advances driven by the dynamism of construction: INEGI

The monthly indicator of industrial activity advanced 0.4% in real terms in August 2021 compared to the previous month, with which it accumulates two consecutive months on the rise

The surprise was given by a very good growth of construction, that with a monthly increase of 1.86% had its best performance of the last six months, and for a less drastic drop than expected in mining, because the variation of -0.08% occurs in the context of the accident on the Ku-Alfa platform.

A) Yes, the economic outlook for the quarter improves slightly, although the outlook for the industry continues to be challenging in the face of a challenging situation, warned Daniel Arias, economic analyst of Monex.

On the rise, the construction of civil engineering works stood out for the second consecutive month with an increase of 3.15% and services related to mining, 5.70%.

These movements were sufficient to counteract the effects of the drop in oil and gas extraction from -2.41% and activities related to the electrical industry of -3.70%, segment that also suffered atypical effects due to the rains, flooding and strong winds caused by the hurricane Grace.

Nevertheless, With this result, manufactures begin to consolidate above their level at the beginning of 2020, which maintains them as the best performing sector within the industrial activity, added Arias.

By sectors of economic activity, the construction rose 7.6%, Manufacturing Industries were higher in 6.1% and mining ascended 1.7%; while the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power, supply of water and gas through pipelines to the final consumer fell 4.9%.

In the opinion of the Monex group specialist, today's data is good news for the economy, since the weakness of the industrial sector was one of the risk elements for the quarter and so far there have been no contractions.


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